翻訳作業 14日目

翻訳作業 14日目




私の研究で用いた勝沼のショウジョウバエ自然集団は、ブドウが収穫され、ワインの製造過程で出されるブドウの搾りかすが廃棄される秋に大集団を形成することから、このショウジョウバエ集団の増加過程において、抵抗性遺伝子をもつ個体と抵抗性遺伝子をもたない個体の間で繁殖能力に差があり、殺虫剤抵抗性遺伝子をもつ個体はより子孫を残せないためにその頻度を減らしていくのではないかと考え、研究を行ってきました。すなわち、殺虫剤が散布されている季節には抵抗性遺伝子は頻度を増加させますが、殺虫剤の圧力が弱まり集団が大きくなる季節には、その頻度を減らすことになるために、すべて抵抗性遺伝子になることもなく、またなくなることもない、というわけです。(三代、2021、p. 2〜3)




The natural population of Drosophila in Katsunuma, which I used in my research, forms a large population in fall when grapes are harvested and a large amount of grape pomace produced in the process of  wine production is discarded. Hence, I hypothesized that there were differences in reproductive ability between individuals with resistance genes and individuals without resistance genes. According to this hypothesis, resistant individuals could not produce as many offspring as susceptible individuals during the process of rapid population growth in fall, leading to a decrease in the relative frequency of resistance genes. That is to say, resistance genes might increase in frequency during the season when insecticides were sprayed; on the other hand, these genes might decrease in frequency during the season when the pressure of insecticides weakened, and the population grew rapidly. As a result, the resistance genes in the Katsunuma population could not become fixed, but at the same time they could not disappear. To examine these hypotheses, I conducted genetic analyses using resistant and susceptible lines that were screened from the Katsunuma population. 

