System of the graduate school (1)


System of the graduate school


It has been more than 20 years since I studied at the University of Delaware, so I am unfamiliar with the current graduate school system. However, I believe that even back then, there were significant differences between the United States and Japan in terms of graduate education, which I would like to briefly describe here.


Recently in Japan also, more students have been able to receive scholarships, making it seem easier for them to continue their studies compared to the past. However, most scholarships in Japan are essentially loans, which students often must repay after starting a job. In recent years, there seems to be an increase in scholarships that do not require repayment. However, I believe they are still limited to a small minority, such as students facing financial difficulties. Honestly, I am not sure if this is true for graduate schools across the United States, but at least at the University of Delaware where I studied abroad, graduate students generally took research assistantships. A research assistantship is like a part-time job where you assist professors with their classes and research. Although it may seem similar to a Japanese scholarship, it does not require repayment in the future. Above all, if we took an assistantship, we were fully exempt from paying tuition fees. In addition, while the stipend was not exactly generous, it was still enough for graduate students to live on. Therefore, it was really a helpful system for students who wanted to continue their studies or research.


(translated version of the post on September 17, 2021)






